Monday, November 24, 2008

Health and Fitness on TV.

There are many weight loss and fitness shows on television now a days, but nothing that has touched me as much as the Style Networks "Ruby". The show centers around a very loving, funny and intelligent woman, Ruby, who has struggled with weight for the majority of her life. She enchants her audience with her southern charm and tugs at our hart strings as she battles to save her life.

I love this show because I can relate. Yes, people think that Personal Trainers are perfect beings that are decedents of Hercules himself (I'm having a 300 movie flash back), but that's a total misconception. I don't have a perfect body, far from it.I have to make sure that I keep track of my nutrition and exercise routines because I was once an obese 250 pound teenager and I vowed to my self that I would never get back to that weight!!I became a trainer after losing over 100 pounds because I want to help those who want to lose weight and lead healthy lifestyles but need that extra push or motivation. When Ruby gets made fun of on the show I literally tear up because I know how painful it is, and I'm rutting for her!I recommend this show to anyone who is beginning or is currently struggling with an nutrition and exercise program. If I can do it, if Ruby can do it, then you can do it too!

Ruby airs on the Style Network Sunday's at 8pm Central. Re-runs air throughout the week for more information check your local lising or log on to

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